
Hi There,

Let me introduce myself -  I am Ravi Seshadhri, settled in London with my family. Although I am an Iyengar, I should probably term myself a quasi-Iyengar, as I don't follow all the traditions that an Iyengar, or even a brahmin, should follow. (Anyway, who has got the time, asks the so-called-self-proclaimed-modern mind ;-) ) As much as the mind thinks there is no time or convenience to follow all the traditions, we find that we have lost most of the traditions in our rush hour life. Now, my wife doesn't know half (why half, lets even say 90%) of the traditional recipes and relies on google for cooking everyday!

One day, we were discussing life (I am sure all of us do when we are lazy to do work and want something to bill our hours against), and we were wondering how we will organise our daughter's marriage when she comes of age (and she is only 4 years old now) according to traditions if we don't even know a speck worth of it :-/

So here started my quest of digging out traditional recipes and processes and values, and I thought I could share it with whoever is interested. We even find that most families are nuclear and there is hardly any connection between relatives, and the traditions were so deeply rooted in mingling with near and dear and getting happiness and fun out of it!

I am doing my best, and I hope you'd give feedback or share some tradition that you know of so we can make this complete.


1 comment:

  1. Good afternoon Sir
    I am Sreedevi Palani.. from Bangalore, Karnataka.
    I selected this song for my cousins wedding it's really Awesome.
